Every investment makes an impact.
What’s yours?

Do your investments support abortions? pornography? forced labor? gambling? good stewardship?

Christ-Centered Investing’s faith-based approach to investing involves aligning investors’ financial goals with their religious values and beliefs.

Do Your Investments Violate God’s Principles?

About Christ-Centered Investing:

Bra Icon
Are you profiting from pornography industry?
Abortion Icon
Is your retirement savings increasing for every abortion in the USA?
Faith Icon
Do you want your invested money to promote your faith?

What is Faith-Based Investing?

At Christ-Centered Investing, we prioritize faith and integrity in everything we do. Our Christian values guide our actions and decisions, ensuring that your financial plan aligns with your beliefs.

What We Don't Do:
We strive to avoid investing in industries like:
Abortion Icon
Bra Icon
Alcohol And Tobacco Icon
Alcohol & Tobacco
Gambling Icon
War Icon
Defense & War
What We Do:

We bring order to your financial life, offering accountability and objectivity. We partner with you and guide you through every step along the way.

At Christ-Centered Investing, we prioritize faith and integrity in everything we do. Our Christian values guide our actions and decisions, ensuring that your financial plan aligns with your beliefs.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."


Guiding Your Finances with Faith

Eric Kabler Christ-Centered Investing

Kingdom Advisors is a respected organization that certifies financial advisors who adhere to Christian principles in their practice. Our senior advisor, Eric Kabler, is our Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA®). This is vital because it underscores our dedication to providing faith-based financial counsel, aligning our values with yours.

Jesus warns us that money is a major competitor, and often we worship money more than Him.  He uses the term “master” which means “control”.  So the question is, which master do you serve?  Which master controls your life, God or money?

We help our clients find their true purpose of their wealth as they strive for better stewardship, find peace and contentment, and generosity.  

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matthew 6:21

Explore our website to discover the range of services we offer, and see how we can help you navigate your financial journey with confidence.

What sets us appart

Why choose us?

At Christ-Centered Investing, we understand that choosing a financial advisor is a significant decision. Here’s why we should be your first choice:


Commitment to Faith and Integrity:

At Christ-Centered Investing, we prioritize faith and integrity in everything we do. Our Christian values guide our actions and decisions, ensuring that your financial plan aligns with your beliefs.


30+ Years of Experience:

With a proven track record spanning more than three decades, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to your financial journey. We’ve weathered market highs and lows, and we’re ready to guide you through them.


Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA®):

Our Kingdom Advisor, Eric Kabler (CKA®), helps set us apart. Being a CKA® signifies our dedication to providing faith-based financial guidance that reflects your Christian values. When you work with us, you’re choosing a team who share your faith and principles.

Every Good Financial Advisor Should Bring You Value

Learn about the 6 key values we provide with every client that works with Christ-Centered Investing.

You deserve investments that align with your faith

with 30+ years of Investment & Retirement Experience